Saturday, May 16, 2009

Morning sessio exam 1 shweser book

9 (a) : Incorrect, should be 7%
(b)Correct: higher interest rates would be harmful for stocks and bonds

9B (1) Correct: capital flows are more practical indicator ?
(2) Incorrect: The yields being talked about government bonds yield curve which indicates a normal growth period for the economy. Right time to invest in stocks.
(3) Correct: positive effect of trade to partners of a growth cycle
(4) Incorrect (?): Increased government spending and accomodative monetary policy are both -ves for bonds.

8. (1) Disagree: The focus should be on all phases of life right from the beginning: pre retirment, retirement and post retirement. Single time period focus is incorrect
(2) Disagree: Monte Carlo simulation works best if we are able to describe the risk factors and the probabilities for each risk factor so the simulation can generate scenarios taking that into account.
(3) Disagree: Risks such as superannuation risks should be considered to generate the right outcomes
(4) Agree: Compounding is not directly used in monte carlo simulation as each time period is considered somewhat independent of the preceding or following time period.

7. (A) Interest rate put options should be purchaed by matrix corporation as portfolio insurance. Matrix should purchase out of the money interest rate puts which would be cheaper to buy and kick in when the interest rate falls to levels that will lead to matrix unable to meet its obligations.
Interest rate puts at the right value should be able to provide IRR at the expected rate even with drastic change in interest rates. However as the participants change , assets amount change: constant hedging

(B) Can buy call options on treasury bonds which will go in the money upon fall in interest rates. Again, out of money call options...
The correlation between liabilities and treasury bond options is non linear so a lot more hedge rebalancing will be needed

(c) Treasury bond futures:
Buy treasury bond futures to cover against any fall in interest rates: future prices will increase with interest rate changes.
However this is a risky strategy as the interest rates rise will affect treasuries in negative direction even more than the company's own bond portfolio .
Also require rebalancing.

A. Agriculture sector added 0.087% to the benchmark return ; the sector allocation effect was 0.142% The higher return in agriculture sector provided diversification and active return as represented by benchmark

b. -((6.45*1.35) + 0.82*10.55 ))
the value added was -ve : the manager selection of equities within agriculture sector was poor compared to the agriculture benchmark. The larger % allocation than benchmark resulted in even bigger -ve return

c. Allocation / selection interaction value:
10.55%x -.82...


IR = active return / active risk...

Exp active return = 1.625...

Exp active risk =

B. (1) Incorrect: core should be a higher % : closer to 40-50%
(2) Incrorrect: active return and risk should be lower for utilities and financials...
(3) Incorrect: zero OR
(4) Incorrect: SRI is normally for growth stocks

C(1) Incorrect: high water mark is to ensure that managers get paid only for excess performance, not to reward in bear markets. The base compensation ensures they are paid in bear or bull markets. Good managers should still beat benchmarks in market downturns ; the high water mark does not solve this issue.

(2) Correct: Capping performance fees will remove the incentive for managers to a certain extent.

4. (i) Inaccurate: GIPS is supposed to provide level playing field by providing common reporting standards, not to provide competitive advantage in terms of record keeping costs.
(ii) Inaccurate: Need to provide last 10 years or since inception.
(iii) Inaccurate: The system needs to generate return info according to cost basis on every time significant cash transaction happens; other ?
(iv) Incorrect: cannot remove inactive portfolios from past performance measure.


3. a) Recallability trap: Past situations look too similar to current
b) Status quo bias: not evaluating again..
(c) not updating the forecast fast enough..
(d) Nuisance traders, herding behavior ?



Short term: meet liquidity needs for policy holders return, claims etc: need sufficient liquidity

Long term bond: Income to Match liability duration and value to cover the expected outflows:

Stock: Provide capital appreciation

Risk tolerance:
Short term: Extremely low
Long term bond: Moderate Low
Long term stock: high


Time horizon: Short term port:< 6 months?
Long term bonds: 10 - 20 years ? :
Stock: Long term

Liquidity: known

Legal/regulatory: State and federal

Taxes: Tax is a concern because of full tax status

Unique considerations: none

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Swaps, futures and forwards

1. Prepaid swap (commodity):
Prepay for commodity delivery in next few periods. Based upon forward / term structure of interest rates and the price of commodity from futures market

2. normal swap:
Fixed payments for the long position, the short position bears interest rate risk etc.

If interest rate change in between, calculate new values accordingly..

The net of swap is no longer zero once we proceed in time: one side could be +ve net at any time


Storage costs can produce contango...
Lease rate: the amount of money a lender requires to lend a commodity

Seasonal production vs constant production..

convenience yield: will produce opposite effect of storage costs

5-3-2 commodity / crack spread

Strip hedge:

Short stack hedge:

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Equities and asset allocation

Tracking an index:

Optimization strategy:
looks at factors to replicate, ensure correlations are minimized, quant heavy.
Uses LP or similar to construct target portfolio
Look for low cost way to ensure minimal tracking risk by targeting factors
Active return = true active return + misfit return
(True active return = manager's return - manager's benchmark)
(Misfit return = manager's benchmark - investor's benchmark)

True active risk = the standard deviation of true active return
Misfit risk = the standard deviation of misfit active return

Mgr can use different stocks not inside a benchmark for his/her active portfolio benchmark as long as he keeps the misfit risk low (and tracks the benchmark well)

Core - satellite portfolio: anchored mostly in index fund, use active mgmt for inefficiently priced assets:
can be thought of actively managed satellite portfolios surrounding the core

Completeness fund: added to active portfolio to bring the risk back in line with the equity benchmark; brings misfit risk to almost zero.

Managed futures:
Risk between bonds and equities; -ve or low correlation with equities; moderate correlation with bonds

Venture capital:
Seed/early stage : before revenue
Later stage: after revenue starts coming in
Exit stage: selling the inv etc
Preferred stock: typically later round preferreds are senior to earlier rounds
Typical PE fund has life time of 7-10 yrs
Commodity future return:
Spot return: Appreciation in spot price
Roll return: makes money in case of backwardation: the future price increases over time to match spot price
Collateral return: return on any asset held as collateral
[The collateral return or “collateral yield” is the result of the no-arbitrage assumption that if an investor is long a contract and invests an amount in T-bills that will be equal to the amount required to pay for the required purchase at the maturity of the futures contract. Such a fully-hedge position should earn the risk-free rate.
commodity as hedges to inflation: commodities whose demand changes with economic climate (energy etc) are better hedges to inflation than otherwise as agricultural commodities.
Also storable commodity is a better hedge than non storable...

hedge fund compensation:
AUM fee : 1 - 2%;
HWM (high water marks): to avoid double dipping; each high value of fund when incentive is paid is established as high water mark.

FOF : suffers from less survivorship bias; but can have style drift
hedge fund performance measurements:
Sharpe ratio not a good indicator because:
a) Upward bias for long time periods as extreme volatility is masked
b) Inappropriate for skewed, non normal distributions
c) illiquid market and infrequent trading the return observations could be wrong
d) Correlations not captured,

Emerging market

Market liberalization vs market integration
are not same:
For example, a country might pass a law that seemingly drops all barriers to foreign participation in local capital markets. This is a liberalization, but it might not be an effective liberalization that results in market integration

Emerging market returns are *not* normally distributed

* Bid /as spreads could increase in the beginning of liberalization

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fixed income asset allocation

Cash flow matching vs multiple liability immunization:

cash flow matching involves investing in bonds that will provide cash inflows that exactly match the outflows required for the liability
in multiple liability immunization you are not necessarily trying to match all cash flows, you want the average duration of the portfolio to match the average duration of your liabilities and the present value of the assets to match the present value of the liabilities, while ensuring that the range of the asset durations are greater than that for the liabilities


Cash flow matching depends upon all the cash flows of the portfolio, so expectations regarding short term reinvestment rates are critical. For this reason, managers must use conservative reinvestment assumptions for all cash flows
Combination matching: try to do cash matching in early years and duration matching in later years

Portfolio rebalancing:
after change in duration and value of portfolio, bring
rebalancing ratio = (old dd/new dd) = (target asset value)/current asset value